Lee Trundle joins Swans Foundation's Cwtch Coffee Morning

20th December
Trundle Coffee Morning

Swansea City club ambassador Lee Trundle recently joined Swansea City AFC Foundation’s Cwtch Coffee Morning at the Swansea.com Stadium.

Cwtch Coffee Mornings are weekly social drop-in sessions that give people the opportunity to socialise and enjoy a hot drink.

Former Swans striker Trundle came along to the session, taking the opportunity to pose for photos and answer questions from the participants.

“It was great to be a part of the session and see everyone coming together and socialising," said Trundle.

“It’s really important for the Foundation to give people the chance to socialise in a safe and warm environment and everyone seems to be really enjoying it.”

Caroline Gwilym, Health and Wellbeing officer for Swansea CIty AFC Foundation added: “It was a joy to see everyone bonding and enjoying themselves at the coffee morning, some making new connections and some reconnecting with old friends.

“There was real excitement with the arrival of Lee Trundle and there were some great questions put to him, and lots of laughter.

“It is heartening to see the benefit people are experiencing already by coming along for a cuppa and a chat every Tuesday morning.”

To find out more and register your interest in the Cwtch Coffee Mornings, click HERE.