Young Swans support Mr X appeal

21st December

Swansea City Under-23s have got into the Christmas spirit by donating gifts to the Mr X Appeal.
The Mr X Appeal, which has run for over 50 years, encourages people from the local community to donate gifts to families who are less fortunate at this time of the year.
The young Swans donated over 30 gifts, including toys and games, which will be distributed to girls and boys in the local area by child support agencies. 

"The team knows how important it is to give back to the community, especially at this time of year," said U23s captain Keston Davies.
"We all got together and decided we wanted to do this and it is a privilege for us to be able to get some gifts for girls and boys from the local area."
U23s coach Cameron Toshack, added. "I think it is very important we support a project like this. Part of our role with the club is to help develop our players' character and show the values they possess.
"Christmas is a time to help people who are less fortunate. It is easy to take things for granted and get caught up in a football environment, so it is great we can help this cause."

Thousands of gifts donated to the Mr X appeal will be distributed to families this week.
Swansea social worker Hannah Lynch added the young Swans' gifts will help put smiles on the faces of local children this Christmas Day.
"The Swans have been involved with this project for the last three years, it is great to have them support the appeal again. Their donations will be a great help for families."