#GlobalSwans fly the flag

29th August

In part two of our #GlobalSwans story, we explore the ways in which our fans from around the world are showing their support.
The first part met members of the Jack Army stationed around the world, many who became enamoured by our rags to riches tale.
Our story, coupled with the way that we play, has not only attracted a deep level of support, it has also sparked a loyalty that is truly inspiring and the dedication that the #GlobalSwans show, week in and week out, to support Garry Monk and the rest of the team is astonishing.
Jalil Guliyev, from Baku in Azerbaijan, has vowed to go unshaven until we lift a trophy, while some fans wake up in the middle of the night to tune in to the match. Then there are those who fly halfway across the globe to make a pilgrimage to the Liberty Stadium, while some who start their own supporters clubs and Twitter accounts devoted to inspiring more people in their region to become a Jack.
The support shown proves just how committed the winners of our #GlobalSwans competition are.
"I've missed just one game since adopting Swansea as my club - even hosting a party for the 2012-13 League Cup final," said Steve Goslin.
And if we jet off to Asia, the story is the same.
"I'm based in Beijing due to work but I've been a Swans season ticket holder for over 30 years," said Claire Walker. "With the seven-hour time difference, I watch most games through until midnight here in China," she continued.
Her enthusiasm, along with others stationed around the world, is starting to rub off on the locals, even down under.
"My fiancé's father and brother are long standing fans and regular season ticket holders," said Rob Maxwell of Auckland, New Zealand, who has watched the Swans take on Burnley at the Liberty. "Their passion for the team has rubbed off on me and they've taught me about the history of the club and where Swansea have come from to the point where I've been known to wake up at 3am to watch games."
Our winners demonstrate just how far we have come as a club, and we are proud to welcome people across the world into the Jack Army. No matter how many miles apart they live from our town, we are one.
"We don't feel like we are just a group of guys who meet to support a football club," said Michael Padro, of the NYCSwans Twitter group. "We are a part of the club, we are a family and we are Jacks forever!"
Whatever the reason that prompted our #GlobalSwans to support us was, and however they choose to show their dedication and loyalty to a club located far from their homeland, one thing is certain; they are Jacks through and through.

If you're cheering on the Swans from abroad, let us know on Twitter by tagging us in your tweets and photos using the #GlobalSwans hashtag and keep a look out for your pictures on match day.